Vision, Ethos and Values

Greenbank School Mission Statement and Vision:

To continue the journey of ‘Learning and Succeeding Together’ in an Outstanding, evolving, inclusive, safe and happy school environment, providing opportunities for each and every pupil to develop into active, resilient members of the communities of life, work and society.



Our vision is driven relentlessly by a core set of values, which we strive to live out every day.

We Value

Every day we strive to ..... 


Create nurturing, challenging and exciting learning opportunities for pupils and staff that sustain progress and the acquisition of knowledge in a sequenced planned way.


Recognise and celebrate the accomplishment of every pupil in all it is forms that celebrates the journey to a point and identifies next steps. The journey never ends, the destination never reached. Success can be lifelong.


Promote tolerance, consideration and respect for individual differences, abilities, needs and beliefs. There are NO OUTSIDERS!


Offer a broad balanced full curriculum that is relevant, cohesive, sequenced and accessible for all pupils.


Create a safe, caring environment in which everyone is healthy, happy and ready to learn.


Provide oppportunties for pupils to be able to think freely and creatively in an open minded way and with confidence to tackle the challenges faced and to succeed.


Foster positive working relationships with parents, multi-agency professionals and our local community.


Work jointly and together towards common goals, providing opportunities for all to make a contribution.


Improve future performance through the continuous evaluation of our practice.


Secure the accountability of all through distributive leadership, rigorous monitoring and evaluation.


Equip pupils, families and carers with the knowledge, skills, independence and resilience to face future pathways.


Ensure everyone has a voice and that each voice is heard and valued.

Greenbank School, Greenbank Ln, Hartford, Northwich CW8 1LD

Tel: 01606 663820 | Email: [email protected]